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· Hi my name is Georgina but everybody calls me “Gina”; I´m from Maracaibo. I´m 18 years old and I´m study Industrial Relations at Urbe. I live in Maracaibo, in La rotaria. I live with my mother and my brother.
· Her name´s Fabiola; she´s from Maracaibo, she´s student from Engineering school. She´s 18 years old; she´s lives in La florida.
· Georgina: I´m medium height, good looking, young and strainght black hair.
· Fabiola: I´m tall, with brown eyes, brown hair and good looking.
· I´ve never been in European in the future I would like to go there and visit the most wonderful and exciting places. I wish I could have a job when I get graduat it next year. After that when I get some money I would like to change my car and house. I want also have my aparment and be happy.
· I have visited Falcon many times. I love it. It’s very attractive state; It has beautiful beaches, the medanos of coro park their interesting places to visit. It is favorers it’s chivo in coco and arepa pelada.
· I would like to know el Vatican in Rome in order to talk with the pope to ask him some advices, many people say that it is a beautiful city and it has many attractive places.